Monday, April 23, 2012


Well, this was one heck of a weekend! I opened a new show, my father went into the hospital twice, and I managed to fit in one day at the LA Times Book Festival!

I was on pins and needles waiting to hear from my family regarding what was happening to my father. He's getting up there in age and this is the first time I actually got a call from a family member to tell me he was headed into the emergency room. Normally, someone thinks to let me know a day or two after. So, getting a call as was happening kinda shook me a bit.

Immediately, I called my director and let him know I would be in for that night's performance, but that he should consider getting ready to go on in my stead. I might be leaving town quickly. It never came to that. I got a call from my sister that night letting me know that dad was out of the hospital and feeling better. The next day, he went back in because he was vomiting profusely. I asked if I needed to come home, and was told they didn't think so. Later they left me a message that he had diverticulitis. Bad, but not necessarily fatal... Of course at my dad's age...

Things seemed to iron themselves out a bit, so Saturday mourning I went to the LA Times Festival of Books - My Mecca! I managed to get out of there with only going over my budget by about fifty dollars... I got off cheap! I literally could have spent thousands. But by the end of the day, the over sized backpack I was carrying was weighing forty-two pounds! I know this, because when I got home, I weighed the sucked, before taking anything out of it. Pretty much what I carried around for the last two hours I was there, and up two... Yes, count them, two sets of five lights of stairs. I parked on the fifth floor, and forgot what parking structure I was in... Ow...

Still all, in all I had fun.

Here are a few faces from the Festival...

An Author I knew.

 An New Author I met.

And A Dinosaur...

Trust me though, if I hadn't had a hadn't had a matinee the next day I would have scurried back and blown a ton more of my hard earned money...

I wish I had a few more pictures to put up from the festival, but most of them didn't turn out - Still tinkering with a new used lens I just got.

Well, that's about it. I haven't really decided what this blog is ultimately going to be about, but I'm going to try a put something here every few days until I figure it out.  It's probably going to ramble a bit until them, so sorry about that.

I will figure it out eventually...


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Getting Started

I have always claimed to be a writer, pretty much from high school on, but lately I have derelict in my creative duties on this front ever since my divorce about six years ago. Don't get me wrong, I've been busy being creative a hundred other ways, but writing has not been one of them.

I've been acting a lot lately.

Importance Of Being Earnest


A Christmas Carol

As well as photographing a ton of shows myself...

The Misanthrope

For Colored Girls Who Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf


Been taking classes, Volunteering, everything EXCEPT WRITING!

This Blog is an attempt to restart that poor shriveled creative muscle I have neglected for so long. So please stay tuned for musings, ideas, poetry, possibly short stories and scenes from scripts, even...

Right after opening my new show this weekend and going to "The LA Times Book Fair"  this weekend...

Nothing gets in the way of my going to the book fair...