Tuesday, April 2, 2013

NaPoWriMo Poem - Day 2

Not quite sure this fits the prompt - but what the hey...

The Prompt:

And now, the prompt! Today’s prompt is drawn from an idea that Kelsey Howard gave me — that of a poem that tells a lie. I think you could have a poem that’s all lies (that could be very funny — full of things like “the sun is the size of a nickel”) or a poem that steadily builds to telling one big whopper. I can imagine these being very poignant, or very much like goofy shaggy-dog stories. I suppose it all comes down to what you want to lie about!

The Poem:

Catch me if you can:

Somewhere in the pink ocean
delicate red jays swim,
through Asiago coral
and spaghetti squash sea weed,
nibbling on giggling lady finger flesh.

It tickles their blood streams
to wiggle through the water
torturing  tortellini turtles,
and half-baked bandicoots
in their wake...

Spelunking never tasted
so good.


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